During many years believed that the cherries were a fruit without importance. They of course are naturally sweet and delicious, and with only 5 calories for unit, a preferable bite to certain amount others loaded of grease and sugar. They have insignificant quantities of vitamins C and A contained total of lower nutrienties to the of others many fruits. What is the reason then in order to include to the cherries into the do you list of foods "ideals"? Recently time the investigators have discovered that the cherries contain a potent compound denominated acid elágico that executes an important function to decrease the effect of natural and artificial carcinogens, avoiding the aggression to the healthful cells and their transformation in cancerous cells..

Warm the furnace by 200ºC. Mount two clear of egg with water about to snow and you go adding the sugar little by little (80gr.). Continue beating to get a mass solid ground and shiny. Next I add the yolks of egg and the flour mixed with the fécula and the yeast in powder (half spoonful). Pour thepaste of cake in a mold dismantle of 24 cm. from covered diameter with paper parchment, you plane the surface and bake it during some 25 minutes to middle height. Dismantle the cake and leave it get cold on a grill. In order to prepare the filling, you wash the cherries (500gr.) and subtract them the bone. Put jelly into cold water. (6 leaves of white jelly). Put fresh cheese (500gr from cheese fresh class quark) in a bowl, add the edulcorante and remove it even get a flat paste. Dilute the wet jello by slow flame into a saucepan and you go adding the paste of cheese without quitting removing. Mount the clear about to snow, and you add the sugar little by little. Beat the cream in a second bowl and compound it everything with light touches with the cream of cheese. Cut the base of the cake horizontally in two and you put one of the halves again into the mold. Distribute the cherries over the base and recover them with the paste of cheese next you plane the surface and cover it with the other half of the base of cake. Leave it coagulate three hours in the refrigerator during some. Take out the cake of the mold, throw sugar in dust through above and serve it very cold.