fiber is essential for a normal digestion and a good digestion contributes
to prevent the cancer of colon and rectum, good, then, the peach is one
of the fruit that they help in the prevention of both illness. It also
believe that the betacaroteno, the vegetable form of the vitamin To protect
opposite several types of cancer and hearts illness. The foods with first
floor contained calories, like it is the case of the peach, they avoid
the obesity, one of the principal causes of hearts illness, diabetes and
In first place owes warm the oven to 180ºC. Anoint a mold for pastry of
26 cm with butter. and you cover the bottom with pastaflora (fresh refrigerated
pasta), you ascend some centimetres of pasta. Prickle the pasta several
time with a fork and put it to pre-coock in the central guide of the oven
during 15 minutes. Robe meantime two yolks of egg with sugar (5 gr. from
sugar) they until are foamy and you add the cream sour or yogurt and a
spoonful of rum. Mount the clear and add them with care. Escura the peaches
in preserve in a strainer. Retire the pasta precoock of the oven, cover
it with the pieces of peach and dew it with the bathroom of cream. Put
it to cook to the same temperature during 20-25 minutes. The final touch
will give a leaf of fresh mint or melisa of lemon.